, Dzsiejszy email. Hmmm... zgroza.... 

Dzsiejszy email. Hmmm... zgroza....

Niszczarka do głowy
65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama


A list of some of the most egregious lies and broken promises by this President. Produced by The East County Underground at MY 1079 FM.

Got to pass this one ON as it is SO much a dictate for today.



High level satanic ritual abuse in Holland - Viewer discretion is advised


Original upload:
Meet Toos of the Family Nijenhuis, a very brave woman who came to meet Kevin Annett at the event Freedom Central hosted for him. Following of from the disclosure of some very sad but important facts, we immediately arranged for an interview with Toos.

This is an introductory clip of the story. There is almost 3 hours of recorded testimony that will be released shortly as part of the initiative being put in place by ITCCS Holland.

This is truly the most difficult interview we have ever conducted, and Freedom Central was very grateful for Kevin Annett's help in interviewing this very important witness.

Pedophiles Down Under


This may be American, but it fits our political mess to a “T”

Watch this, then ask yourself, how did we get here?

This guy's video on youtube has been so popular that Obama
called him personally.

He said he was very disturbed with the video and invited
him to the White House.

Obama also said he wanted the White House to handle the
Press and not to talk about the video or the White House visit.
That's very interesting. Then how did we find out about it??

Watch it now before it's pulled from youtube. This may be
the best six minutes invested in your future.

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