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Wzmagają się coraz bardziej zaciekłe ataki na Watykan!

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Ogólnie chodzi o precedens sądowy, który możne spowodować postawienie wielu księży z papieżem włącznie przed sądem.


also :
Pope causes outrage for condemning church abuse raids in Belgium
Church panel resigns to protest raid
The Catholic Church faces another scandal (Popes)

US Supreme Court deals pedophilia blow for Vatican (AFP) 6/28/10
WASHINGTON — The US Supreme Court declined Monday to hear an appeal by
the Vatican in a landmark case that opens the way for priests in the
United States to stand trial for pedophilia. Allowing a federal
appeals court ruling to stand, the decision means Vatican officials
including theoretically Pope Benedict XVI could face questioning under
oath related to a litany of child sex abuse cases. The Supreme Court
effectively confirmed the decision of an appellate court to lift the
Vatican's immunity in the case of an alleged pedophile priest in the
northwestern state of Oregon. The Oregon case, which was filed in
2002, does not directly address questions raised in a separate lawsuit
in Kentucky alleging that US bishops are employees of the Holy See.

REDLIGHT, narrated by Lucy Liu, is a powerful and moving documentary
about children emerging from lives in which they were trafficked into
prostitution. http://www.lexisnexis.com/redlight/index.html

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery
27 - The number, in millions, of trafficked persons in the world.
32 - The estimated global annual profit, in billions US$, of human

Pope causes outrage for condemning church abuse raids in Belgium -
Victims groups say Vatican criticism of police shameful, as pontiff
calls raid deplorable and demands church role in investigations 27
June 2010 Groups representing the victims of clerical abuse tonight
expressed outrage after the pope criticised raids on the Catholic
church by Belgian police. Last week, police raided the home of a
retired bishop, opened the grave of at least one archbishop and
detained Belgium's nine current serving bishops as they met, seizing
their mobile phones and only releasing them after nine hours.

Belgium church abuse probe body quits en masse 6/28/10 (AFP) – 13
hours ago
BRUSSELS — A Belgian Catholic Church-backed commission probing
hundreds of reported cases of child abuse by priests announced its
resignation en masse on Monday, after police raids that angered the
pope....Thursday's raids were prompted by new claims of child abuse by
members of the Catholic Church in Belgium, one of the countries worst
hit by recent revelations of paedophilia by priests in Europe and
North America.
Police confiscated phones, computers and the archdiocese's accounting
system in a search for documents including any correspondence between
alleged victims and the Catholic authorities....The Belgian Church was
rocked in April when its longest-serving bishop, 73-year-old Roger
Vangheluwe, resigned after admitting sexually abusing a boy for years.

Church panel resigns to protest raid
By the CNN Wire Staff June 28, 2010

Made in his own image: The Catholic Church faces another scandal -
Joseph Ratzinger is having a terrible year. But as the Catholic Church
faces yet another scandal, blame is falling on its most popular figure
of modern times, Pope John Paul II, writes Peter Popham 28 June 2010
....Maciel was the founder of a highly conservative order called the
Legion of Christ, but it has gradually emerged over the years –
particularly since his death in 2008 – that he was much else besides:
a morphine addict for decades who sexually abused his own seminarians,
fathered several children by two mistresses, and then went on to abuse
and rape those children. Yet Maciel was greatly favoured by John Paul
II, remaining persona grata at the Vatican until nearly the end of his
life, and Sodano, like other senior members of the Curia (though not
Ratzinger) received large cash gifts from him. Sodano repaid Maciel
generously by killing a Vatican investigation into his misdeeds in

Tak na szybko to można tak to przejrzeć:

Tak na szybko.
Sad najwyzszy w USA uchylil apelacje Watykanu w sprawie o pedofilie. Od tej pory ksieza, biskupi i sam papa moze byc wezwany do sadu jako swiadek.
Generalnie koniec immunitety watykanskiego dla batmanow. (Nareszcie)

Papa wzbudza obuzenie opinii publicznej po skrytykowaniu policji belgijskiej za "najazd" prywatnej rezydencji emerytowanego biskup podejrzanego o pedofilie.

Katolicka komisja sledcza zawiesza dzialalnos po skonfiskowaniu przez belgijska policje materialow zwiazanych z pedofilia. Skonfiskowano komorki, komputery i dane ksiegowe. To wszystko po rezygnacji 73 letniego biskupa, ktory przyznal sie do zarzutow.

Niejaki Maciel, zalozyciel konserwatywnego zakonu Legiony Chrystusa, zapraszany do Watykanu przez JPII okazal sie nie tylko narkomanem ale mial dwie kochanki z ktorymi mial dzieci ktore gwalcil. Ufff. No to koniec swietego JPII. No i Sodano tez maczal lapki zawieszajac sledztwo w sprawie Maciela.
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